I would suggest adding precipitation accumulation over longer periods than 1 and 3 hours available now. Timespans like 6, 12 or 24 hours would be very useful for monitoring of precipitation during whole rainfall and snowfall events.
I would suggest adding precipitation accumulation over longer periods than 1 and 3 hours available now. Timespans like 6, 12 or 24 hours would be very useful for monitoring of precipitation during whole rainfall and snowfall events.
Long-term accumulation from a specific date (for example, a week) is also available.
Creating a user-based timeline is currently quite challenging. Doing so would require a complete redesign of the Ventusky timeline, which we want to avoid.
Is it available on free version too? For precipitation accumulation I can only select 1 hour, 3 hours, from today's date and monthly anomaly. The latter two are only for forecast models though, not for radar data.
Radar shows reality, so it is not possible to create accumulations for the future. They are not available for the past for radar based precipitation map and will never be - that is technically almost impossible (so many dates cannot be pre-generated).
I understand that limitation, that is why I am talking about adding only a 6, 12 or 24 hours radar accumulation layer, analogous to already available 1 and 3 hours (for EURAD, USRAD, and others). That is, just an extension of existing functionality that would make it even more useful since precipitation events can last several hours or longer.
Sorry, I can see where the confusion came from. In the first message, I forgot to specify I meant primarily radar precipitation accumulation the whole time (as from EURAD, USRAD etc.). Is it possible to add longer time periods (e.g. 6, 12 or 24 hours) for radar accumulation?
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