
Right-hand side panel forecast units (Fahrenheit instead of Celsius)

How to use Ventusky

How can I change the units for a forecast on the right-hand side panel?

I have my settings set to display Celsius, but when I click a town/city, the right-hand panel still displays Fahrenheit degrees. Please see the attached picture.

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Hello. Which browser are you using (and normal or incognito mode)? Are you able to check cookies if the units are changing correctly there?
By default is your browser set to US settings?


Thank you for the quick reply.

I tried both Chrome and Firefox, and both held the units correctly in incognito mode. However, in non-incognito mode, both browsers mixed the units. I tried to inspect the cookies, but I could not find any information about units (I am not a frontend developer, so it doesn't necessarily mean the information wasn't there).

After clearing the history in both browsers, the units are now consistent. I think my browsers are set to US settings, at least US English is set as the first option in the 'Language' settings. I used to connect to the internet via a US VPN, but now I use European locations, which might have had an impact as well.

Long story short: After clearing the cookies/history, the units are consistent between the map and the right-hand panel.


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It's great to hear that it helped; thank you, :sun: If the problem appears again, let us know.

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