
Sounding/Skew-T forecasts

Your feedback and suggestions

May have been mentioned before, but it would be great if soundings were available on Ventusky. Unitl recently i have been using the android app 'Skew-T' for this info, but the data source is no longer public so that app is dead :(

I can get them on Windy, but the interface there is a bit crap (which is why I use Ventusky in the first place).

Thanks :)

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Andy Howson
Thanks for the idea. Generally, the problem with these graphs is that most applications only use about 10 levels to create them and interpolate the rest, which is not very accurate. We prefer not to approach it this way. Ideally, we would take all vertical layers from the model (around 60 in total) and create a chart from them. However, this process is quite computationally demanding, so we do not plan to implement it at this time.


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