
A high-resolution model Aladin is now available on Ventusky, offering forecasts for Central Europe

We have just added the well-known Czech model Aladin (see forecast map from this model). This model, with a resolution of 2.3 km, covers the whole of Central Europe and surrounding areas. It is computed by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ČHMÚ). Ventusky is the first application to visualize this data for users on interactive maps.

High resolution Aladin model on Ventusky

Available data sets from the model include popular precipitation, wind, and temperature maps. Additionally, there are maps for perceived temperature, convective available potential energy (CAPE) or dew point. Forecasts are available for up to 3 days. The model is updated 4 times a day at 0, 6, 12, and 18 UTC. On Ventusky, the data is available a few minutes after the calculation of the model.

Ventusky continues to expand its offering of regional models. The Aladin model (sometimes also referred to as ALARO) has been developed since 1991 by the French meteorological service Météo-France in cooperation with meteorological services of other countries in the ALADIN consortium. The Aladin model added by us is calculated by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, and its boundary conditions are based on the French global model ARPÉGE. The word Aladin is an acronym for the French words - Aire Limitée, Adaptation Dynamique, Développement International.