
Display of values ​​in the layers

Your feedback and suggestions

I've only been using Ventusky for a few months. The range of functions is phenomenal, especially since the last update. But one thing would be great: In the Windy app, the precipitation layer shows the temperature in degrees instead of the precipitation values ​​in mm (see screenshot). I think that's a very nice display, you can read the temperature in numbers and precipitation, wind, fog, thunderstorms, etc. as a graphic display. Would it be possible to personalize the values ​​displayed in the layers? The user could then choose which values ​​are displayed numerically and which are displayed graphically. Another advantage would be that you could then play a forecast video at different speeds, since the precipitation layer also allows a 3-hour interval. How about this idea, perhaps in the premium version?
Thank you very much

Pavel Rehulek
Pavel Rehulek

That's an interesting suggestion, thank you! :)

Prague, Czechia

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